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Your Reception

Monday, January 20, 2020 by Louise Burke

Why your reception visitor management is as important as your homepage

It’s probably fair to say that nowadays the majority of organisations know more about visitors to their website than they do about those that come and visit their premises. But looking after your physical visitors is equally important and is something that business professionals place huge value on.

In fact, a recent report published by Doodle found that 75 per cent of respondents preferred meeting face to face citing them as being more productive clearly emphasising the importance of meeting face to face. And first impressions do count – don’t they?

Absolutely, when someone turns up at your premises you want to create the right impression about your business and that’s not limited to clients it could be a delivery driver, client, prospect, consultant or your colleague’s cousin! We have all turned up for an appointment only to be faced with a lukewarm welcome and let’s face it’s a big disappointment and shouldn’t be ignored. Caring about your physical visitors as much as your virtual ones is essential and if truth be told you probably have a far better chance of creating a positive experience if they are there in person.

You want to ensure that they are greeted in the appropriate manner and while communication with visitors will always require some kind of human input technology can also play a part in the form of a visitor management system.

Visitor management is the process of tracking every visitor who enters your building or your office. Any size of organisation can use one and with a very small financial investment, you can really reap the benefits by using one rather than relying on the traditional check-in or guest book.

From checking in visitors and host notification to booking meeting rooms, setting up guest wi-fi and even monitoring the car park a visitor management system can really integrate and automate all of the menial tasks to create a frictionless visitor experience.

Just like its digital counterpart, the homepage, creating a lasting impression to your reception is imperative and should be given the same attention and treated with equal importance. It’s a chance to leave a lasting impression of your brand and its values so don’t waste it.

Here at Visitor.Express we have a range of visitor management solutions to meet the needs of small businesses right through to large enterprises so please get in touch today by emailing

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