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Visitor.Express Enterprise improves Vodafone’s Visitor Experience and dynamically manages both Visitor and Employee Parking across UK corporate sites - serving over 4000 internal / external visitors each month and managing daily parking for around 9000 employees.

Vodafone’s core Visitor.Express solution allows pre-booking of visitors by Host Employees, manages Visitor Parking capacity, sends Visitor Arrival SMS alerts, supports the Visitor check-in process, provides an emergency Muster List and delivers Visitor Analytics.

Their Visitor.Express CPMS staff parking module enables employee parking permit applications over any device, enables detailed permit parking management and real-time usage reporting to Admin and is fully integrated with car park Barriers, ANPR cameras, Card Readers and Occupancy Signage - delivering a dynamic, full-featured, end-to-end car park management system.

Flexible Visitor Express API’s are used to link this service to other information based systems within Vodafone. These include integrations with Promag and Paxton access card and access control systems aswell as Designa, Quercus and MAV ANPR cameras (across multiple sites). Visitor Express can be integrated with almost any 3rd party system of almost any complexity and combines these to work within a single user interface.

For more information on Visitor Express Enterprise systems, please call the Visitor Express team on 01344 289884.

Visitor Express is so easy to use. Laura R - Vodafone Travel Team

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