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Wessex Water


Implementation of Visitor.Express at Wessex Water

Wessex Water is a regional water and sewerage company, which serves 2.8 million customers across South West England. With its Head Office located in Bath, the old city design offers restricted parking availability limiting Wessex Water to 291 car parking spaces for several hundred employees, visitors and contractors.

Visitor.Express introduced a policy enabling the 291 permit holders to offer their space to other employees who would not have previously had access to the on-site parking facilities, consequently the car park is now fully and efficiently utilised. Employees and visitors can reserve a parking space via the app, taking into account factors such as applicants home distance from work, car sharing and child care.

Wessex Water have a strong focus on the environment and are dedicated to providing fresh water and sanitation to millions of their clients. This requires a strong set of site security controls, with immediate intervention if a security breach is detected. They use Visitor Express Enterprise to link a single MAV smart camera to a Sigma 3000 real time low resolution digital display to provide clear parking instructions to all employees on entry. In addition this links to a barrier controlled by Visitor Express - ensuring fast barrier entry for all known / pre booked vehicles. A reception level displays allowing reception staff to deal with exceptions in an efficient and secure manner. Details of all vehicle entries are maintained for a 2 month period, so historic checking can be performed directly from the Visitor Express interface.

For more information and a demonstration of NetFM’s employee parking management systems, please call 01344 289884 Web: Email:

Wessex Water welcome all employees to their correct parking space using a digital display that is controlled via Visitor Express. — Karon Trainor

Click here to see visitor express numbers using smart camera reads